


Good Friends

2014-01-12 03:47
分享 828 次閱讀 | 5 個評論



  • 椰絲酒吧
    椰絲酒吧 2014-01-12 05:13
    好朋友就像天上的星星 ,掃把星 shooting star
  • mercedes
    mercedes 2014-01-12 11:58
    椰絲酒吧: 好朋友就像天上的星星,掃把星 shooting star
    Do you know what does it mean when you see a shooting star?  

    It means that you are granted one wish, with, of course, some restrictions outlined, below.
    The wish must remain secret. (until granted)
    It cannot wish for evil to befall anyone. (even yourself)
    No wishing the reverse of God's will in items that have already occurred. (the future is always debatable, even with God)
    If there are two of you, you are each granted one wish. Sometime you may wish for the same thing but that would count as one wish for each of you. (no combining of wishes, that would mean the wish is not secret anymore)
    ******Googled from internet******
  • 椰絲酒吧
    椰絲酒吧 2014-01-12 12:21
    mercedes: Do you know what does it mean when you see a shooting star?  It means that you are granted one wish, with, of course, some restrictions outline
  • mercedes
    mercedes 2014-01-12 13:35
    椰絲酒吧: 太複雜了
  • 椰絲酒吧
    椰絲酒吧 2014-01-13 00:38
    mercedes: 簡單地說,當妳看到了流星雨,就許願!  