


"The Water is Wide"

標籤The  Water  Wide  2009-12-02 07:36
www.youtube.com/watch?gl=TW&hl=zh-TW&v=clSZU1HRxJE&feature=related - 133k - 庫存頁面 - 更多此站結果
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  • 水漾
    水漾 2009-12-02 07:44
    寬闊的海水 The Water is Wide
    這首舉世聞名的蘇格蘭民謠,是一首詠唱調。這首曲子是在描述一個男孩愛上一個女孩, 可是卻得不到女孩的愛, 唱出了這首柔腸寸斷的歌曲。雖然這首曲子是在描述男孩, 但是歌壇上卻大多由女生來詮釋這首歌。


    英文歌詞 The Water Is Wide

    The water is wide, I cannot get over
    And neither have I wings to fly
    Give me a boat that will carry two
    And both shall row, my love and I

    Where love is planted O there it grows
    It grows and blossoms like a rose
    It has a sweet and pleasant smell
    No flower on Earth can it excel

    The ship there is and she sails the sea
    She's loaded deep as deep can be
    But not so deep as the love I'm in
    I know not if I sink or swim

    Oh love is gentle, love is kind
    The sweetest flower when first it's new
    But love grows old and waxes cold
    And fades away like morning dew
    And both shall row my love and I
  • 幻之靈
    幻之靈 2009-12-02 18:47
  • 水漾
    水漾 2009-12-02 20:22
    幻之靈: 讚))))))))))
  • Theresa
    Theresa 2009-12-04 20:39
    這首詩歌 有好多版本傳送在世界各地, 空靈的境界,激盪幾百年悲傷的愛情物語..
  • 水漾
    水漾 2009-12-04 20:49
    Theresa: 這首詩歌 有好多版本傳送在世界各地, 空靈的境界,激盪幾百年悲傷的愛情物語..